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Construction Permits

Isaiah 62:10

Go out, go out through the gates; prepare a way for the people! Build it up, build up the highway; clear away the stones! Raise a banner for the peoples.

While this was a message given to the people of Israel for restoration, it still clearly reveals God’s heart toward those of us who have been held in bondage by the enemy and have suffered loss and rejection. He sent Jesus to redeem us from these things, and His resurrection life gives us hope to overcome anything the enemy may hurl at us. As people who have found that hope in Christ, we are to prepare the way for others who desperately need Him.

That is exactly what we are doing in PHOEBE Connections! God has called us to go through the gates of our own churches and neighborhoods and prepare the way for other widows to find the same hope in Jesus Christ. As we build this ministry, we are building up the highway and clearing stones and debris for widows to find a new identity in Christ and come to find healing through new relationships and service.

Before we can effectively share the gospel with those who are hurting, we must first meet real needs within the people to whom we minister before that gospel message can have meaning. If a child is hungry, for example, we must first feed that physical need before he can accept the spiritual. By meeting such needs, we are building the highway and clearing stones that hinder worship.

As I look into the community, I see many needs. There certainly is no shortage of them! While we may not be able to address every need, we can surely address some. In addressing the needs we can meet, God uses us to spread His love and minister to people through His Holy Spirit. We need to keep building the highway and clearing the stones while proclaiming the gospel, and let Him do the rest.

Thank you for helping me build a highway. Thank you for clearing stones and other debris from the path to knowing Christ. Thank you for serving others and making the name of Jesus Christ great. Put on your construction hat today, and go back to work. God is not finished giving us opportunities to build, and I have a feeling we have more construction permits coming!

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.