Apart from Elah
1 Samuel 17:2
Saul and the men of Israel gathered and camped in the Valley of Elah; then they lined up in battle formation to face the Philistines.
Saul and his men went out to face an army of giants. Here we find them encamped in the Valley of Elah. As they climbed the hill and faced enemy territory, the Philistines sent their greatest champion to challenge them. They were to send their greatest man to fight the giant. If the Israelites were successful in defeating the giant champion, the Philistines would serve the Israelites. If, however, the Philistine giant won, the Israelites would serve the Philistines. The Israelite Army cowered in fear as they searched throughout their camp to find someone courageous, strong, and big enough to fight this giant and actually win. Much was at stake as Saul concocted a huge financial reward for anyone who could gain such a victory. He knew he was not strong enough to win, but maybe another man could fight for him and for Israel.
Elah means “oak or other strong tree.” Saul and his men were now at the top of a hill – a pinnacle point – in the Valley of Elah. We can assume that this was a place of mighty oaks and other equally strong trees. Regardless of the symbols of strength around them, these men felt helpless, incapable, and fearful. We must remember that the oak does not gain its strength from itself. God created the oak tree. He forms it from a tiny acorn, maintains it, grows it, and gives it strength. The oak tree does nothing on its own. Saul and his men, however, stood in the Valley of Elah and looked at their own strength to fight an enemy champion and found themselves lacking.
David did not encamp in the Valley of Elah. He went back and forth between caring for his father’s flock and running errands for Saul’s army, here his brothers were enlisted. He is proof that belonging in the crowd is not always beneficial. As he fed and protected his small flock, God gave him small victories over wild animals that threatened the flock. These victories gave him confidence to face the giant because he had given glory for even his small victories to God. If God had helped him overcome other evil threats, surely God would help him face this evil threat and triumph. Such faith is found in the making of God’s champions.
If you have giants that need to be slain in your life, consider where you are. Are you encamped with a crowd who is looking to do things in their own strength, or are you faithfully serving God and experiencing small victories along the way? Nothing you have achieved has come from your own strength. God has given you the opportunity to make big plays, and you were simply willing and prepared to move forward. Your strength comes from Him. Give glory to God for the victories He has given you, and stop following a crowd that is only looking to themselves for answers. God will give you strength and opportunity to overcome your own giants when you faithfully serve Him where He has called you to serve. He is preparing you to be a champion, but you must be willing to be apart from the crowd at Elah and faithful to His call.
Have a blessed day!