Staying in Your Position
Genesis 16:3-4
So Abram’s wife Sarai took Hagar, her Egyptian slave, and gave her to her husband Abram as a wife for him. This happened after Abram had lived in the land of Canaan 10 years. He slept with Hagar, and she became pregnant. When she realized that she was pregnant, she looked down on her mistress.
Ten years had passed since Abram had received the promise to be the father of a great nation, and Sarai could not bear children. Something just did not seem right with all of this, so Sarai decided to give her slave, Hagar, to Abram to try to make the promise come to pass. After all, she was increasing in years and her child bearing years were gone. What else could she do except to give Abram every possible option for his promise to come true. As was the custom of the day, she gave him her maidservant, and he complied.
Hagar became a second wife to Abram, and this did not sit well with Sarai. Although it was her idea, she really did not want Abram to have a child through another woman. When Hagar became pregnant, she looked down upon her mistress in an attempt to take the position of wife. Sarai’s idea was never to become less of a wife to Abram, and she certainly wasn’t going to allow a maidservant to run her household. To Sarai, Hagar was to be nothing more than a surrogate to Abram. To Hagar, however, he was the father of her child, and she wanted to be respected as a wife. Such a scenario is definitely a cat-fight in the making!
Nothing threatens our position as a lack of faith. When we don’t have the faith to lay hold of what God has promised, we stand to lose our footing to the very thing upon which we relied to accommodate us. Sarai thought she was disqualified from God’s blessing, so she used Hagar to try to provide the promise. Hagar was never meant to be God’s provision. As a result, Hagar – false provision – threatened Sarai’s God-given position as wife.
Don’t allow your false provisions to replace you! God is your power, your source, and every provision you will ever need. Rely completely upon Him to fulfill all promises to you, and don’t let a maidservant rule your house. Take charge of those things God has entrusted to you, and be an accountable steward. Although Hagar had Abram’s child, she had no benefits nor birthrights by him. The Devil may have stolen from you, but that doesn’t mean he has the right to keep it or to take any more! Claim the territory God has given you, and stand firm on His promises. This is your land, and the only way someone else can take it away is if you give it up. Refuse to compromise, and wait upon the Lord. He is your great reward, and He will reward you greatly!
Have a blessed day!