Ambassador of Good News
1 Thessalonians 2:4
Instead, just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please men, but rather God, who examines our hearts.
God has approved us as followers of Christ to proclaim His word and share the gospel. We don’t have to worry about flattering people, watering it down, or spicing it up in order for people to hear it and be changed. God has placed power in His word, and all we have to do is proclaim it. The Word doesn’t draw people to us; it draws people to Him.
To think that God would entrust such a valuable tool to us as fallen humanity is unfathomable, but as new creations in Christ Jesus, we are fully approved to share His word with others. Who speaks for God? You and I do as His chosen and beloved creations in Christ.
In sharing God’s word, we must remember that our goal is to please God and not man. The Bible is not a tool we use to prove a point or win an argument. We are to simply share the truth that all men are sinful and in need of a Savior, and God has sent Jesus to us to be that Savior.
Do you understand your value? You have been approved by God to represent Him to the world through Christ. You are an ambassador for the kingdom of heaven. You are a dignitary of the spiritual realm to a fallen world, and you have the right to dine at the Master’s table. Take time today to invite someone else to join you at the feast.
Have a blessed day!