Forward in Faith
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up.
As widows, we must stay connected. We need the support and faith of those around us to lift us up and to help us move forward in God’s call for us. The enemy wants to isolate us and make us ineffective. Our faith, however, can act as a shield against his darts and help us advance. Two shields locked together can take even more ground and prevent one from falling.
Where two are more come into agreement, a thing is established. If my faith agrees with yours, we become stronger in that faith, giving the Devil less of a chance of gaining ground. When we build each other up in the faith, we all move forward together. A bunch of praying, unified, and determined widows is enough to give the enemy a nightmare he can’t handle, so be prepared for him to attack your prayer life, our unity, and our perseverance. Now is the time to be strong in faith and to build each other up in faith.
Take up your shield of faith today and simply believe God’s promises to you. Don’t allow the enemy to distract you with thoughts or feelings that draw you into isolation. Keep proclaiming His word and trust that He who promised is faithful. Encourage one another today, and lock shields if you have the chance. God is taking us somewhere, and we must continue to move forward.
Have a blessed day!