Cry Out and Shout Out
Psalm 30:11-12
You turned my lament into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, so that I can sing to You and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise You forever.
David learned the fine art of crying out to God in his trouble, and he sang of his deliverance. As a gifted musician, he poured his emotions out to God in both lament and praise. In doing so, he learned to control his emotions, rather than allowing his emotions to control him.
God’s favor has the power to change us. Not only can it change our circumstances, it can change us from the destructive habits that caused the negative circumstances. God’s kindness is designed to draw us to repentance. When you can do nothing on your own to change your situation and are in desperate need of divine intervention, you are in an excellent place for God to shine His favor upon you and work a miracle as you learn your dependence upon Him and your inability to be independent from Him.
David was transformed and renewed because of God’s blessing on his life. He could not help but sing praises unto his great Deliverer! God’s divine intervention on our behalf is designed to draw praise from us so He may be glorified and we may rejoice in Him. As the Message Bible illustrates in verse 12, “I’m about to burst into song; I can’t keep quiet about you. God, my God, I can’t thank you enough.”
We will be wise to follow David’s lead. When in trouble, cry out; when delivered, shout out! Pour your emotions out to God and surrender them to Him. Give Him both your need and your joy. Together they paint a beautiful testimony of His grace and give hope to this dying world.
Have a blessed day!