The Work of Ministry
Ephesians 4:11-13
And He personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into a mature man with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness.
God personally calls people to ministry. Just what, however, is this work we call “ministry?” According to this passage, ministry takes place within the body of Christ – the church – to bring each other to unity in the faith and maturity in Christ. We see a group effort and not a one man job in process. We also see everyone benefiting from the work of true ministry, and the end result looks like a full picture of Christ.
Taking a closer look at the “work of ministry,” we find it can be broken down as follows. Work, in the Greek here, means to toil (as an effort or occupation); an act, deed, or labor. Ministry comes from the Greek word diakonos, which is translated deacon. It means attendance (as a servant), aid (official); teacher or technician of the diaconate; office, relief, service. Diakonos (deacon) in the Greek actually means to run on errands; an attendant; a waiter; teacher and pastor; deacon, minister, servant. The work of ministry is literally the work of serving the church. A true minister serves and does not seek to be served.
Ministers, however, must be served by the church in order to be a part of the church. God calls people to different walks of ministry to serve those in the church and to bring those outside the church into it as believers. For this very reason, God personally calls people to serve Him in different functions so the entire body can be equipped to serve and come to unity in the faith and maturity in Christ. If pastors and teachers, for example, are not being fed or growing spiritually, they will eventually become unable to serve those they are called to serve. In these times, we see pastors, teachers, and lay leaders become tired, weary, or even cynical as they experience burn-out and need to be refreshed. Just as a runner needs hydration to continue to run, we need spiritual nourishment in order to serve.
A good teacher is one who is ever learning, researching, and reading. In reality, a good teacher is simply an excellent student who has mastered her subject and can pass the material on to others. Unless she is actively engaged in receiving teaching and ministry from others in the body, however, her own ability to teach is weakened. As iron sharpens iron, so one man (or woman) sharpens another, according to Proverbs 27:17.
God has gifted you to serve in the body of Christ. He has called you to serve others, and He has called someone to serve you. What we must avoid is the tendency to become self-serving by looking only to what we can gain and never at what we can give. Quite often, I’ve heard people who are looking for a church talk about all the things a particular church has to offer. On rare occasions, however, I have heard people mention the opportunities a church provided to serve as a place they found home. In reality, a church should provide both ministry that feeds your spirit while giving you the opportunity to serve with the gift or calling God has given you. Such a church is able to reach unity in the faith and maturity in Christ.
May you all find a church where you are fed and able to serve others with your gifts. May PHOEBE Connections be a ministry where you receive the bonds of fellowship and spiritual nourishment as a widow while giving you a place to belong and serve people from your abundance. May we not replace your local church but be an extension of the church for you. May we always keep Christ at the center of all we do and flourish in unity and maturity in Him. As far as I can see, this is the work of ministry to which we are called and by which we are blessed. You all have truly been like iron to help sharpen me, and I hope I’ve helped sharpen a few edges for you, too. May God bless you in all you do for Him today and always.
Have a blessed day!