From Detour to Destiny
Matthew 2:19-20
After Herod died, and angel of the Lord suddenly appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt saying, “Get up! Take the child and His mother and go to the land of Israel, because those who sought the child’s life are dead.”
God sent Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus away for a season. Their mission and purpose would not be accomplished in Egypt because Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of Israel. Egypt was simply a temporary detour designed to protect Jesus from the enemy’s trap and fury.
We must be careful never to mistake God’s detours for the destiny. I’m sure Egypt looked nothing like their plans or their thoughts for a future. Away from family and friends, they must certainly have questioned their future and whether or not they would ever see their homeland again. They simply heard from God and obeyed, and their actions protected Jesus from harm. If God sends us into a detour, we can be certain that He has a good reason, and we would be wise to submit. We should never give up hope just because the detour looks nothing like the destiny we were promised. God is still working His plan in us.
Another trap we must avoid is becoming comfortable in our detour. While Egypt was a safe place, they would have to travel back into Herod’s territory, where his sons would take over the country. The trip back to Israel was certainly risky, but if God told them to go, He would prepare the way for them. You will never find success in your detour; you must be willing to make the necessary changes and move into your destiny.
If you find yourself in a detour, keep your faith. God will bring you out at just the right time. If God is opening doors and moving you from a detour, be willing to take the risks. Just don’t mistake the detour for the destiny. Follow whatever direction God gives you, knowing He is working it all out for your benefit and His glory. Let Him handle your true enemy, and live in the full protection and direction of His calling for you. He is up to something big, and you can count on it!
Have a blessed day!