God’s Declaration to Restore
Jeremiah 29:14
“I will be found by you” – the LORD’s declaration – “and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and places where I banished you,” – the LORD’S declaration. “I will restore you to the place I deported you from.”
God had sent Judah into Babylonian exile under King Nebuchadnezzar and scattered His people. False prophets were trying to convince the people this was only temporary, but God had declared judgment upon them for failing to obey His commands and heed His warnings of judgment. God’s word through Jeremiah was for them to settle in the land of exile, have families, and hope for the best. They would remain under the iron yoke of Babylon until the 70 years of judgment were complete. After that time, God would restore those who truly sought Him with all their heart.
God still executes judgment and has given His word that He will judge the nations of this earth. He still restores His people who turn to Him and seek Him with all their hearts. The good news for those of us who are Christians is that we don’t have to wait 70 years for God to restore. He poured out His judgment for our sins upon Jesus at the cross, and all we have to do is repent of our sins, seek Him, and receive the grace we need to move forward. This grace includes receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit and surrendering to His transforming power as He leads us into God’s plan and purpose for us. When we do, God begins to restore and renew us.
Take your burdens, sins, failures, and disappointments to Jesus. Accept the gift of forgiveness, and seek God by following the leading of the Holy Spirit. He will transform you and renew your mind to walk in fullness, peace, and joy. If we seek comfort in temporary pleasures, such as food, alcohol or drugs, spending, or any activity that distracts us from God’s perfect will, we trade God’s peace for the burdens and strongholds of sin and suffer consequences. When we return to the Father by way of the cross, we receive grace to overcome the strongholds that tempt us and set us back. Jesus paid it all on the cross for us to walk free of bondage, and I want to be free and whole. I want to live the abundant life Jesus came to give. I hope you will join me.
Have a blessed day!