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What You Practice Every Day

1 Samuel 17:50

David defeated the Philistine with a sling and a stone. Even though David had no sword, he struck down the Philistine and killed him.

David did not use conventional weapons in defeating his enemy; he used what he knew well. He undoubtedly became skilled in using a sling and a stone while defending his flocks every day. The key to defeating our own giants lies in what we do every day. Are we practicing anything on a daily basis that would be a threat to the enemy? Prayer and Bible study may not seem like offensive weapons, but when practiced every day, they can be a powerful force against an offensive giant that challenges our freedom in Christ. Learning to use them well will make you a mighty champion.

A football team practices every day to prepare for game day. They continuously sharpen their skills on both offense and defense. What they do on a daily basis eventually plays out on the field, leaving them either a champion or a loser. Almost any close matched college football game can teach us three things about taking down a giant:

1. Be ready to make big plays when God opens a door. Windows of opportunity often last only for moments, and you must be prepared to run with the ball. Procrastination will kill your chances. Meditation in God’s word will allow you to recognize those opportunities when they happen

2. Expect miracles when the Devil knocks you down. Just giving it your best shot when you can’t see what is ahead of you may be all you can physically do, but God knows how to get the ball in the right hands to allow you to score. Releasing matters to God in prayer will help you achieve more yardage than holding onto care and anxiety ever could.

3. If you are having trouble running the ball, the game is far from over! You can most certainly score on defense! In fact, the size of your defense needs to be even larger than your offense. A good defense can even push the enemy’s offense back on the verge of a score to further secure your winning position. We need to learn to use the direct head-on attack of praying God’s word – BAM! A skilled prayer warrior can shut down an offensive run in a heart-beat! Knowing God’s word is the first step to using it in prayer.

Never underestimate the power of prayer and Bible study on a daily basis. What you develop routinely every morning is sharpening you for battle. The better you know how to pray and use God’s word effectively, the more dangerous you are to the enemy. Learn to use your sling and stone and BAM! You will be able to slay your giant and come forth a champion!

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.