A Vision Beyond Ourselves
Joshua 1:2
Moses My servant is dead. Now you and all the people prepare to cross over the Jordan to the land I am giving the Israelites.
Joshua was very discouraged after the death of Moses. He had worked alongside his trusted leader, but now his hopes and dreams were mixed with great confusion. What in the world would he and the people do? They needed new vision to carry them further, and God provided that through Joshua.
God’s vision was not for Joshua alone, however. All the people were to cross over the Jordan and enter the Promised Land. Our vision is much too small if we see only what is in it for ourselves. God had plans for a people who would worship Him and be a light to the pagan nations around them. While He may give His vision to one, His plan is always for many to benefit. The job of the visionary is to listen, obey, and communicate that vision so the people will be on board with God’s plan.
Verse 3 of the same chapter gives us more encouragement. “I have given you every place where the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised Moses.” God promised to give Joshua every place his foot treads, meaning he had to go there. Taking possession of the Promised Land means you must set foot on it first. It won’t be handed to you. God made a promise, and He would still fulfill it, even though Moses was dead. His promise is always greater than the leader who receives it. His promises extend beyond our years into generations yet to come.
Wherever God is taking us, we must be willing to step out in faith and onto the property before we will possess it. His plan is much greater than we are and is for those who will come after us, as well. Rejoice today that He is taking you somewhere, and His plan is greater than you are! We are fortunate enough to be a part of His great movement, so get your walking shoes and start moving. You have a lot of territory yet to cover!
Have a great day!