Psalm 3:1-3
LORD, how my foes increase! There are many who attack me. Many say about me, “There is no help for him in God. (Selah) But You, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, and the One who lifts up my head. I cry aloud to the LORD, and He answers me from His holy mountain. (Selah)
Many times it seems we don’t finish fighting one enemy before another launches an attack from a different side. We may feel surrounded by spiritual battles and feel like the enemy is caving in on us. Others may look at us and question why we are encountering such enemies if our God is so powerful and our faith is strong. They may even lose hope for us.
Notice the use of the word, Selah, in these verses. A selah is a musical term meaning pause or intermission. When the enemy attacks from every angle and others lose hope for us, there is an instruction to pause. The first pause redirects the psalm. The emphasis moves from one who feels stressed and attacked from every side to one who focuses upon God. God is a shield around us, our glory and the lifter of our heads! When we cry aloud to Him, He answers us from His holy mountain! Here we find another pause. This second selah is a pause to wait upon God.
Anytime we find ourselves surrounded by the enemy, we are to pause, look up, and remember that God is our protection. He answers when we pray. He is our Great Defender and Protector. This is how we are to fight our spiritual battles. They are best fought on our knees, looking up to God.
If you find yourself in the midst of stress and battles today, selah. Pause and look up to God. He is your great help, and He hears when you pray. Don’t listen to what others may say. Simply selah. Look to God, cry out to Him, and wait for His response. If you focus upon your problems, they will only increase. Respond to your enemies with selah, and watch your God increase! Let Him reveal Himself in a whole new way to you.
Have a blessed day!