A God Who Hides
Isaiah 45:15
Yes, You are a God who hides Himself, God of Israel, Savior.
Sometimes I just want to hide, too. When I turn on the evening news, I rarely watch very much before I find myself turning the channel simply because things seem so out of control and unbearable to watch. I feel helpless and overwhelmed, looking for hope. The only hope I find is in looking to our God, who hides Himself from a world that has rejected Him.
We can either take things into our own hands or seek God, who holds the whole world in His hands. Just because He hides Himself doesn’t mean He isn’t in control and is not actively working in our lives. He just doesn’t always let us know what He is doing. We are told to seek Him. Those who seek Him find Him, and by seeking Him first, all other things will be added to us.
Obviously, the world has its own way of doing things, and the chaos we see every day proves that no one knows what they are doing. If there is a God – and we know there is – should we not diligently seek Him to find our way through this mess? Yes, He hides Himself, but He has provided a way for us to find Him. That way – the only way to find God – is Jesus, His Son.
Jesus took the punishment for our sins on the cross. His sacrifice made a way for us to be free from the guilt of sin once and for all. His resurrection was proof that God accepted His sacrifice and gives power to those who believe to overcome the bondage of sin. His sacrifice tore the veil that separated us from the Father, and through Jesus, we now can enter the throne room of God as His beloved child to present our need before Him.
For whatever challenge you face today, Jesus is the answer. Seek Him. Whatever question you have is found in Him. Seek Him. Whatever need lies before you has its provision in Jesus. Seek Him. He intercedes for us at the right hand of the Father and presents us to Him as the righteous. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, and He is only a prayer away.
Have a blessed day!