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Warfare of Praise

Psalm 144:1

May the LORD my rock be praised, who trains my hand for battle and my fingers for warfare.

David was a talented musician who played the harp. He introduced this Psalm with praise to God, his strength. As a musician, David used his hands and fingers to play music to release the emotions of his soul. Such praise is warfare against the enemy.

Doubt, discouragement, disappointment, anger, offense, bitterness, sorrow, fear, hopelessness, and depression are all emotions the Devil inflicts upon us through our thoughts. If we allow him to redirect our focus to such things, we will find ourselves in a pit of despair, and I’ve found myself there too many times to count. Only when we turn our eyes upon Jesus and rely upon the work of the cross and God’s faithfulness do we find hope to lift us out of our personal pits and overcome the onslaught of negative emotions that attack us.

God inhabits the praises of His people. The enemy flees at the sound of it. When we praise God, from whom all blessings flow, and begin to thank Him for His faithfulness to us, His presence becomes greater in us than the fear the Devil tries to inflict upon us. Praise is a strong, offensive weapon of war that turns the darts of damaging emotions Satan has hurled our way back upon himself.

Praise is the greatest method of warfare that will deliver us every time! We must remember that God is greater than any problem we face, and nothing is impossible with Him! He has good plans for our future, and he is for us – not against us! When we praise God, faith rises and fear retreats.

Today I leave you with a link to listen and praise. My friend, Keith Medley, is an abundantly talented musician who has created a one-of-a-kind, 27 string harp guitar. David played the harp and allowed His emotions to flow through the strings through praise, which was an act of warfare. Go into battle today, and conquer your enemy! Our God reigns!

Have a blessed day!

Ronda Martin

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.