Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.
Rivalry breeds competition. When members of a team compete against one another for attention, applause, or recognition, they lose the entire game to the opposing team. We have an enemy to fight, and if we wage war on each other, he wins. His strategy is to get us focused on ourselves and fighting each other. When we do, we can’t fight him, and he gets the victory. Our goal should be to glorify God in all we do so He gets the credit for everything. When our common goal is to glorify God by working together for the common good, we gain victory as a whole.
Verses 7-8 of that same chapter explain that Jesus emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave. He became obedient to the point of death on a cross. Because of His humility and obedience, God exalted Him. God exalts those who look beyond their own needs, resist rivalry, and submit themselves to work for His cause. He is in the business of making champions who can slay giants, possess land, and glorify Him.
When members of a truly great team give their all, God works through that team to accomplish His purpose and gain victory over the enemy. Putting aside our own self-interests for the good of the team is always worth the victory that lies ahead.
Have a blessed day!