What God Wants
Micah 6:8
He has told you men what is good and what it is the LORD requires of you: only to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God.
Have you ever wondered just what God wants from you? The answer is found in this verse. He does not require achievement or sacrifice. He helps you succeed in what He has called you to do, so achievement does not impress Him. He has given His Son, Jesus, as our sacrifice, so any sacrifice you make to try to earn His grace or His favor is useless. Your sacrifice has already been made, and you need only to accept it.
God does expect us to reflect the character of His Son. His requirements of us are to act justly by doing what is fair in every situation and not trying to take advantage. We are to love faithfulness to His word and to be merciful in our dealings. He expects us to walk humbly with Him in full dependence, without thinking more highly of ourselves than we should. When we fail to do these things, we bring God’s judgment upon ourselves.
True worship that God accepts reflects these attitudes. When we try to worship God on our own terms, we fail. He is looking for these characteristics among His people, and when He fails to find them, He rejects the worship. We end up working ourselves to death, never fully experiencing the blessings of His presence or the fulfillment only He can bring.
At this time, we need more than ever to take a close look at our worship to see if it is truly pleasing to God. Are we seeking Him or His blessing on what we want to do? Are we concerned about doing His will or achieving our own agenda? Are we outwardly focused upon completing His mission or inwardly focused upon our own pleasure or comfort? Do we truly want to fulfill His purpose or to have our own preference? When we get serious about Him, I’m convinced He will get serious about us.
Have a blessed day!