God’s Secret Counsel
Psalm 25:14
The secret counsel of the LORD is for those who fear Him, and He reveals His covenant to them.
At times we need wise counselors. In fact, that industry is booming because we have so very many hurting people in this world. God will personally counsel those who fear Him and reveal secrets never before understood. Sometimes, He might reveal things to you about yourself you didn’t realize. At other times, He may choose to reveal His plan to you in a vision.
Expect God to speak to you when you truly submit yourself to Him and seek His presence. In every trial, hardship, or place of difficulty you encounter, He waits for your cry, and He always reveals His covenant to you – the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. Because He took our guilt, our shame, and our infirmities upon Himself at the cross, we can walk free from the bondage of shame and condemnation and receive healing.
None of us share secrets with casual acquaintances. We share our deepest, most personal secrets with those of whom we have cultivated a personal, intimate relationship. We trust them, and they trust us. As we cultivate that same intimacy with God, He will reveal His secrets with us, too. He will also counsel us with the secrecy of a professional counselor and bring us to the place where we look to Christ to deliver us from our personal places of bondage.
In whatever you may be facing today, know that your answer is found in the person of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made on the cross. You may stand boldly before the Father and ask Him anything. You can be healed of your wounds, forgiven of your sins, and cleansed from your shame. He is the covenant God has made with us, and He will never leave us. Listen for the invitation to sit in His presence and hear from Him. He has plenty to tell you!
Have a blessed day!