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Life Giving

John 6:63

The Spirit is the One who gives life. The flesh doesn’t help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

The Holy Spirit is the One who gives life to us and who makes us a life-giving source to others. Unless we are operating out of the life He has instilled in us, we have no real life to give others. People are drawn to the Holy Spirit, but our flesh will repel them. Therefore, we need to keep our flesh out of the way.

What Jesus has spoken to us is life. When we share that with others, we share life. People need to hear the words of Jesus much more than they need our opinion. In order to share more of Christ, we must first empty ourselves of self and ask God to fill us with His Spirit. When we are full of Him, we will overflow onto others.

Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit today. You will find it bringing life into your whole being. Spill a little of it over onto someone else, and share the life God gives you. Whatever is in your heart will eventually rise up and overflow. Make sure it is life and not death. Our flesh can do nothing on its own, but with His Spirit we can do all things – miraculous and life-giving things!

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.