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Power Over Fear

Psalm 40:12-13

For troubles without number have surrounded me; my sins have overtaken me; I am unable to see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my courage leaves me.

Sin creates fear and anxiety in us. We gradually fall into a pit from sin’s attractive lure little by little because we think we can handle it. Before we know it, we are surrounded with trouble and unable to help ourselves. We fear the beating we will take as Satan taunts us with shouts of condemnation and threats of punishing blows. David experienced this and knew just what to do. He cried out to God for deliverance.

When we can’t help ourselves, we can cry out to a God who can. While we may feel unworthy of His help, we must remember that grace is for the undeserving, unqualified, and unable. He is faithful and just to forgive, and He delivers and restores. David learned to depend upon God’s grace and taught us to do the same. We live on the other side of the cross from David, where grace is the provision of God’s new covenant through Jesus Christ. How much more should we as Christians follow David’s lead and cry out to God through the righteousness we receive in Christ!

When it comes to our salvation, we have no trouble believing God forgives us of our past and gives us eternal life. We sometimes subconsciously believe that we have to take care of the sins we commit after our conversion experience, and we are subject to God’s judgment once saved. Our salvation, however, is much more than a ticket to heaven when we die. The blood of Christ covers ALL our sins – past, present, and future. There remains no more sacrifice for our sins because the ultimate sacrifice has already been made, and God poured out His full wrath upon Christ at the cross. We need simply to cry out to God for forgiveness and trust Him with the rest, whether our need be deliverance, rescue, or restoration. When we realize we can’t but He can and let go of our sin, God goes to work to turn our hearts from stone to flesh and to renew our minds to align with His word.

If Satan is taunting you with fear and anxiety, cry out to God. If you feed your fear, your anxiety will only increase, and the Devil will have a stronger foothold in your mind. Dispel his jabs at you by bringing every thought captive to align with God’s word. Cry out to Him for deliverance and stop fearing a beating from Him over your failures. God knew of your failure before you ever committed it and loved you anyway. Simply turn to Him and receive forgiveness. He will direct your path from that point, and Satan will have lost the power to control you through fear. Feed your faith, and starve your fear. In doing so, God will increase in your life, and Satan will decrease.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.