God is Working it Out
Ephesians 1:11-12
In Him we were also made His inheritance, predestined according to the purpose of the One who works out everything in agreement with the decision of His will so that we who had already put our hope in the Messiah might bring praise to his glory.
If you ever feel like you have failed miserably, this verse is for you! Keep it handy, and make a point to just read it from time to time. When the enemy tries to convince you that you have gone too far or you have missed God’s plan, read him his rights with this! We have an inheritance in God because we are predestined for His purpose. God will take everything – your failures, the life situations that hit you out of nowhere, and even your own rebellion – and work it all out in accordance with His will for you. Hallelujah!
Our hope cannot and must not be within ourselves. On my own, I have no hope of ever succeeding or doing anything right, but in Christ, I can do all things. My hope is in Him, and He will not fail me! When I don’t have the answers, He does. When my own strength fails me, He is strong for me. When I make the wrong decision, He works it out for my best interest in the long run, even if it means I have to do it again to get it right. He intends for me to bring glory to His name, and He will put everything into place to assure my success in doing what He has called me to do. That is my inheritance in Christ, and it is yours, too.
Rest in knowing that God is working it all out for you so that you might bring praise to His glory. Praise Him for His marvelous works – the ones He has already done in your life and the ones He is doing right now that you can’t see. You are not alone in your walk, and He is working for you, fighting for you, and putting everything in place for a great ending to your struggle. That is enough to just thank Him all day long, so start right now.
Have a blessed day!