God Sees and Honors
Isaiah 56:3-5
No foreigner who has converted to the LORD should say, “The LORD will exclude me from His people,” and the eunuch should not say, “Look, I am a dried-up tree.” For the LORD says this: “For the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, and choose what pleases Me, and hold firmly to My covenant, I will give them, in My house and within My walls, a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters. I will give each of them, an everlasting name that will never be cut off.”
This passage is a word of comfort to anyone who is in Christ and serving God, yet feels outcast, unqualified, disqualified, or forgotten. God knows who you are and each contribution you have made to His kingdom. Your efforts are not in vain, and He will honor you.
The foreigner and the eunuch are both examples of people who felt God’s judgment for their sins. Foreigners were non-Israelites who had converted to Judaism, and the eunuchs were male exiles who were castrated so they could serve in the Babylonian and Persia courts. Here, however, we see a replacement of God’s judgment with salvation. The good news for us is that we don’t have to keep the same covenant of sacrifices and burnt offerings they did. Christ is our sacrifice, and we live under God’s new covenant of grace. God judged our sin at the cross, and when we come to Him in repentance, He forgives our sins. We now have the righteousness of Christ, and God accepts us. We are no longer outcasts, unqualified, disqualified, or forgotten. We have a place in His house, and He will honor our service to Him. Hallelujah!
God knows where you have served and where you feel as if your efforts don’t matter. You are valuable to Him, and He will honor you. He qualifies you, and He promotes you. Your service to Him is never in vain. Continue the good work He sets before you, and know that it will produce a harvest at the appointed time.
Have a blessed day!