To Be Made Clean
Matthew 8:2-3
Right away a man with a serious skin disease came up and knelt before Him saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Reaching out His hand He touched him, saying, “I am willing; be made clean.”
The leper knew Jesus had the power to heal him. Without a miracle from Jesus, he was doomed to live as an outcast and waste away in his disease. Out of desperation, he turned to Jesus with the faith to be healed.
Notice carefully the leper’s request. He wished to be made clean. I think many times we turn to God begging for a miracle, but do we wish to be made clean? Herein, lies a turning point for anyone desiring a change in a bad situation. Do you want God to change your circumstances, or do you truly want to change?
In the movie, Fireproof, we see an example of the need for a miracle and change. The main character is a very self-centered and demanding man wanting a miracle for his situation, but he thinks the problem is with his wife. In his eyes, she is not giving him the respect he deserves, so he treats her badly and considers ending the relationship. He wants God to change her so he can be happy. In order to change the situation, however, God has to change him. If he wants his wife to respect him, he must be respectable and show her the love she deserves. He needs to be made clean.
You may be in a situation where you need a miracle. Do you want God to change your circumstances so you can be happy, or are you willing to be made clean? Unless God cleanses you from all unrighteousness, your situation will only become infected again. You may not have the faith to believe your situation can change, but you can always be sure that Jesus can make you clean! When He does, anything can happen.
When the leper was made clean, he could live a different life. Surrender to God today, and be willing to be made clean. You can live a different life and see a miracle when you are willing to change. Until then, you could waste away in your wait. Jesus is willing to make you clean, and He will do it immediately.
Have a blessed day!