God’s Heart for Families
2 Chronicles 20:13
All Judah was standing before the LORD with their infants, their wives, and their children.
When Jehoshaphat sought the LORD for His guidance in the threat of a vast multitude of enemy armies that were planning to attack Judah, he called a national fast. He called the people together and prayed before the assembly. Coming before God in utter dependence without strength or power to fight the ensuing battle, the men of Judah brought their families – infants, wives, and children. Everything they held dear was at stake, and only God could save them. When God saw this, He responded with a word of promise for their victory!
God cares about our families! He cares about the things that are dear to those who honor Him! The enemy armies were seeking to destroy the power of God by attacking His people. God would personally fight this battle for Judah. He will protect that which is precious to Him!
The family was God’s way of populating the earth and creating healthy cultures. He built His nation, Israel, through family. His word and the practice of worship was handed down through family. A strong sense of family helps shape one’s identity and can assist in making a person successful in life. Indeed, the backbone of a society is the family unit, which is exactly why the enemy attacks the family so viciously. God is for families, and He hears our cry when we call out to Him in prayer over our families. Never underestimate the power you have to stand in the gap and pray for your own family and for the protection of families in our nation.
There are times when we will lose family members, and as widows, we are all personally aware of this. It is appointed unto man once to die, and we have no control over the appointed time. When threats occur that endanger the family – a God ordained institution – He goes to battle to preserve that which is precious to Him. In Isaiah 49:25b, we find God’s heart for families that seek Him. He promises to contend with those who contend with us, and He will save our children. God fights for families!
If you have a family member who has strayed or who is on a dangerous path, seek the LORD for His help. He cares about your family. If your children are hurting or struggling, seek the LORD on their behalf. God intervenes for the family. If there has been loss, remember that God is a father to the fatherless and a defender of widows. Trust Him to do what you cannot, and know that this matter is precious to Him. Stand upon His word and believe in His love for you. This battle is not yours, but the victory is!
Have a blessed day!