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Influence Before the Throne

1 Timothy 5:5

The real widow, left all alone, has put her hope in God and continues night and day in her petitions and prayers…

Do you ever feel alone in your sense of family or support? If so, know that you have a direct line to God in prayer, and He hears you. Talk to Him just as you would someone who is in the room with you, and depend upon Him to hear you and answer you. He knows you are alone, and He will not disappoint the hope you place in Him.

God fights for you! When you are dependent upon Him, He takes matters that concern you personally. You belong to Him, and He intervenes for you in ways that clearly display the fact that He is your Savior! As Psalm 68:5 proclaims, He is a Father to the fatherless and a defender – a champion defender – of widows! He especially cares for widows who are devoted to Him and have a servant’s heart. Never underestimate the influence you have before the throne of God as a widow!

Take advantage of your time before the throne today, and cast all your cares upon your great Champion. He cares for you and is fully aware you have no one here to defend your cause. He is for you and not against you, and He will contend with the one who contends with you. Take heart and hope in God. There is no telling what He will do for you today!

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.