More than Victorious
No, in all things we are more than victorious through Him who loved us.
When the difficulties of life hit, we are tempted to look at our affliction and question God. We may not feel loved and may even gain a sense that God is punishing us or has turned His hand against us. We absolutely must remember the cross at these times. He took our punishment, our judgment, and our condemnation upon Himself so we would not have to experience the wrath of God and be separated from His love. Because of Christ’s great love for us, we are more than victorious in anything the Devil throws at us.
Our victory comes when we proclaim God’s love for us as greater than the trial we face. Greater is He who lives in us than He who is in the world. The very same power that raised Jesus from the dead – the Holy Spirit – now lives in us, and He is greater than the one who brings trouble your way. We absolutely must see our God as greater and the Devil as extremely small in comparison. When we do, we gain victory in areas that would, otherwise, consume us.
Regardless of how big your problem seems today, rejoice in the fact that God is bigger, stronger, greater, and mightier. Rest firmly in knowing that nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus, and this love brings you victory in all things. The bigger your God becomes, the smaller your problem will seem. Don’t worry; He’s got this!
Have a blessed day!