Bless the Void
Genesis 12:1-2
The LORD said to Abram: Go out from your land, your relatives, and your father’s house to the land where I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.
Abram had nothing to offer God but his need. He had a void in his life, and he could not fill it on his own. He wanted a son, but his wife was barren. God chose to bless the void in his life by making him a great nation. Our lives change when God decides to bless the void.
God used Abram’s void to lead him to a new place. He used the void to develop a relationship with Abram and to gain his trust. He used the void to build a nation and ultimately a people for Himself. He used the void to bring promise and to deliver His own Son into the world to save us from our sins. God can certainly do great things when we give Him our void.
What could God do with the void in your life if He decided to bless it? Within every one of us there is a longing that we can’t fill on our own – an emptiness that needs to be satisfied. Such a void is the very tool God uses to work in our lives, and He promises to fill that void to overflowing if we will only follow Him. That journey begins at the cross and continues wherever the Holy Spirit leads us. Should we get off track, as Abraham did at times, His Spirit can still draw us back to the right path.
God still blesses the voids of life, and He still does great and wonderful things through His people. We fail when we try to fill that void on our own or with other means. Surrender your void to God today, and allow Him to bless you. Abram had nothing else to offer God, but the void was what He wanted. He wants yours, too. Give what you don’t have to receive what you can never achieve on your own. What a wonderful God we serve!
Have a blessed day!