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He Will Do It

Isaiah 46:10-11

I declare the end from the beginning and from long ago what is not yet done saying: My plan will take place, and I will do all My will. I call a bird of prey from the east, a man for My purpose from a far country. Yes, I have spoken; so I will also bring it about. I have planned it; I will also do it.

God gives us glimpses into His plan through prayer and His Word. He places dreams and visions in our hearts that drive us toward the destiny He has prepared for us. These glimpses may be a promise of great things to come or a warning of danger and judgment. Jesus is coming again, which is both a great promise to those of us who know Him as Lord and a warning for those who don’t.

The word, “I,” is used six times in these verses. You will also find the word, “My,” used three times. God declares what will happen, and He brings it to pass. His plan will take place, and He will do His will on earth. If He has promised it, He will do it. We don’t have to make it happen, manipulate it, or help Him out. If He planned it, He will also do it.

God gave Joseph a dream that one day his brothers would bow to him. While Joseph saw this as great promise and made the mistake of revealing his dream to his brothers, nothing happened quite the way Joseph imagined it would. Before his brothers would bow to him, he would first be thrown in a well, sold into slavery, and serve time in prison. He was not in a position to make anything happen according to the dream God gave him. God had to work behind the scenes, bringing everything and every person into place for the dream to become a reality. Joseph never saw the hand of God moving; he simply had to trust it was.

As Christians, we will experience times when nothing is working as we had dreamed. In fact, everything may seem to be falling apart. In those times, we must trust that God is moving and working in ways in which we know not. When we don’t see His hand, we can trust His heart. If He has promised it, He will do it. He just may not share with us how He will do it.

Trust God’s heart toward you today. You may not understand what He is doing, but what He is doing is good. He is a good, good Father who gives good gifts to His children, and He withholds no good thing from us. That is just who He is, and we can trust His nature as Father. Release your need to understand, and simply trust in His goodness. Peace and joy will flow like a river to your soul, and you can rest in the arms of a Father who loves you with an everlasting love.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.