God Heals to Rebuild
Psalm 147:2-3
The LORD rebuilds Jerusalem; He gathers Israel’s exiled people. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
From this verse, we clearly see that God rebuilds the broken. Hallelujah! He is a restoring God who builds and develops His people. The only reason He would allow us to be torn down is to rebuild us into something better, as was the case when Judah went into Babylonian captivity as described here. The exile the people experienced was a type of cleansing. God eventually gathered them back together, healed their wounds, and rebuilt Jerusalem.
Before we can be rebuilt, we must first encounter a healing. Loss leaves deep wounds, and unless these are healed, we cannot move forward in life. We will, instead, repeat the grief cycle and go right back into destructive habits that confine us and prevent us from advancing. God heals those wounds if we will simply turn to Him and allow Him to invade what we want to avoid. Once healed, we may have a scar, but God will begin to rebuild and restore what is left of our life so we can experience the wonderful blessings of His kingdom and be a living, breathing, walking example of His grace and His glory.
Verse 11 of that same chapter tells us that “the LORD values those who fear Him, those who put their hope in His faithful love.” Put your hope firmly in the love God has for you, especially if you are hurting from deeply cut wounds today. You are valuable to God, and He doesn’t want to waste your heart when He can rebuild it and turn it into something grand and glorious that will shine for Him. Trust Him to heal and rebuild you. You are no longer an exile; you are a valuable part of His grand kingdom.
Have a blessed day!