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Praise Pause

Psalm 68:19

May the Lord be praised! Day after day He hears our burdens; God is our salvation. Selah.

God hears our cries every single day. He hears our pleas for help, as well as our whining and complaining. He hears our doubts, our selfish requests, our bursts of anger, and our wails of desperation. He listens to every need and every void we express. After hearing all of our rants, He is our salvation. He certainly deserves to be praised!

When my son was a teenager, he often didn’t want me around unless he needed something. At times, I would get quite offended with the attitude but remembered that I must have treated my parents the same way as I sought my own independence. While some of this was quite healthy, it also seemed very rude. I’m happy to report that my son, now past his teenage years and into his early twenties, has become a much more respectful young man as he has matured. We have to allow a little leeway in the development process while training our children to gain independence, responsibility, and respect. God does the same for us, and our respectful response should always be praise.

May we be women who praise God in the good times and bad. May we take our burdens to Him with an attitude of praise and never an attitude of doubt or entitlement. May we learn to turn our burdens over to Him and shout for joy that He is greater than our problems. May we be known for our praise more than for our whining and complaining.

The end of this verse has a selah, which is a pause. Take a praise pause today before you ask God for anything. In the midst of your praise, you just might find your answer. After all, He is our salvation.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.