Rejoice and Enjoy the Good Life
Ecclesiastes 3:12-13
I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and enjoy the good life. It is also the gift of God whenever anyone eats, drinks, and enjoys all his efforts.
God created us to be a working, productive people. Nothing is more satisfying than knowing you are doing exactly what God called you to do and are being productive. From this, you receive a sense of accomplishment and financial blessing. Lazy, unmotivated people are the most miserable because they’ve never learned the joy of true accomplishment in Christ.
To truly find your niche in life, you must exert some effort. If you fail at something, at least you tried and know what not to do next time. Perhaps, our biggest failures come when we don’t even try or put forth an effort. God will direct you, but you have to start moving in order to receive direction. If you wait for it all to come to you, you are sure to be disappointed.
Rejoice in what God has given you to do today. If you are not enjoying life, check to see if you are putting forth effort into anything. God has something for you to do, and you find it by trying something. Start serving and being a blessing to someone else, and there is no telling what blessings God will send your way.
Have a blessed day!