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The Bruised Reed

Isaiah 42:3

He will not break a bruised reed, and He will not put out a smoldering wick; He will faithfully bring justice.

All of us at one time or another have almost given up hope. Sometimes, our faith just seems to fall to the overwhelming tides of discouragement, and we are left seeking for any trace of God and His work in our lives. This verse is a treasure to keep for such times, and it never ceases to encourage and renew hope when there seems to be an empty supply.

A bruised reed here represents the poor and needy. Don’t think for one minute that applies only to your financial status. You can be poor and needy spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. You can be just as low on faith as you can on money and be considered poor and needy. God will never break a bruised reed, regardless of how little faith that reed may have. He knows the places you have been hurt and how that pain has damaged your faith. His intent is to build your faith and not tear it down.

God will not break the bruised reed. The words, “not break,” here are best viewed as an understatement for the positive equivalent God has in store. He will mend and restore to a place where the bruise seems only to have propelled the reed into destiny, rather than destroyed it altogether.

The smoldering wick here describes those who have almost lost their faith and hope in the Lord. Christ was sent to restore the poor and needy and encourage people in the faith. As long as there is a glimmer of hope left in you, there is room for Christ to restore you! As He told His disciples, faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. He does not despise nor disregard those of us who have only a smoldering wick of faith left. He is fully aware of the evil that has fought to destroy our faith, and He will not leave the wounded in battle. He will surely rescue, heal, mend, restore, renew, and revitalize those who are battle weary and have taken hits from the enemy. He is the initiator of “no soldier left behind.”

As the following verses reveal, God has called you for a purpose – to open blind eyes and to set the captives free. Your mission is in Christ, and this is exactly what Christ came to do. God has protected you and taken responsibility for you. Expect Him to set things right so you can fulfill the purpose to which He has called you. God wants to use you to be a light to others and to draw them to Him. He will make a way for you to do that. He wants to use you to bind people to Him and to set free those who are suffering from the bondage of sin. Be assured that He will give you opportunity and empower you to do this.

As verse 5 of this same chapter explains, God breathes life into His people, making them alive with His own life. May He breathe life into us today and restore the places where we are bruised. May He ignite our smoldering wicks to full blaze with a passion for His word and a desire to tell His story. May our failing lights be renewed to shine as a light to the nations, who desperately need to hear of His grace. Look up, oh bruised reed or smoldering wick! Your God has taken notice of you!

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.