Psalm 69:13-14
But as for me; LORD, my prayer to You is for a time of favor. In Your abundant, faithful love, God, answer me with Your sure salvation. Rescue me from the miry mud; don’t let me sink. Let me be rescued from those who hate me.
Have you ever felt so far down that only the divine, providential hand of God could lift you up out of your pit? David certainly felt the depth of his own pit when he penned this Psalm. The mud and mire of life can trap us where we can’t move forward without God. At times when we feel stuck, we need to follow David’s example in placing our hope firmly in God and crying out to Him in faith.
David knew he was at fault in much of his predicament, and he admitted his own foolishness to God in verse 5 of this Psalm. While he was guilty on some accounts, He still trusted the love of the Father to rescue him. Sometimes, we need to be rescued from ourselves as much as we need to be rescued from the snares of our enemies.
God knew our weaknesses before He called us, yet He called us anyway. We often have to come to a point where we can see our own shortcomings before we can address them. Mire and mud are good indicators that something isn’t working quite right in our life, and we need God’s favor to get us where we need to be. Thankfully, His hand is never too short to save, and His mercies are new every morning. God sent Jesus to handle our imperfections, and we receive the grace of God to overcome them when we surrender them to the cross and allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into the image of Christ.
If you feel stuck today, you are certainly not alone. In fact, David was there a very long time ago and wrote this Psalm to help us find our way out of the mud and mire we encounter in this life. God’s favor still shines upon you. He still delivers those who fail. His desire is not to hand you over to your enemies; He desires for you to admit your weakness and depend upon His strength. We do not earn our destiny through self-effort; we enter it through God’s favor. The sooner we realize this, the better. There is no pit so deep that God’s favor can’t rescue you. Put your hope in Him, and cry out to Him in faith. His favor has the power to overcome your weakness and set you upon a rock, where you will be changed – established, firm, and steadfast in His perfect plan.
Have a blessed day!