Pray Always
Luke 18:1
He (Jesus) told them (disciples) a parable on the need for them to pray always and not become discouraged.
The parable that follows is of a persistent widow who would not stop approaching an unjust judge regarding justice against her adversary. Although he didn’t care one thing about meeting her need or honoring God, he finally decided to grant her request just to get her to leave him alone. God, however, is not unjust and has a heart for widows. He gave strict orders for their care and brought judgment against those who opposed, neglected, cheated, or brought harm against them. If the unjust judge would finally grant a widow’s request, certainly, God, who is always just and compassionate, will righteously grant a widow’s constant plea.
Don’t give up. God hears your prayers and will grant your request. The Devil will do all he can to discourage you and make you think God is not listening to you, but that is nothing but a lie! Keep praying, and keep your request before the throne of God. Prayer is the most powerful weapon you have, and Satan wants you to put it down.
I highly encourage you to start journaling your prayers, or make a list of requests you have before God. As He answers them, check them off your list. After a while, you will be able to go back and see God’s goodness toward you and realize how valuable your access to His throne room is! As Jesus instructed the disciples in this passage, pray always, and don’t become discouraged. God hears you. He cares about your concerns, and He has an answer for you. Be persistent in prayer and powerful in purpose! Become a prayer warrior, and fight your real enemy.
Have a blessed day!