Jehovah Favored
Luke 1:59-66
When they came to circumcise the child on the eighth day, they were going to name him Zechariah, after his father. But his mother replied, “No! He will be called John.” Then they said to her, “None of your relatives has that name.” So they motioned to his father to find out what he wanted him to be called. He asked for a writing tablet and wrote: HIS NAME IS JOHN. And they were all amazed. Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God. Fear came on all those who lived around them, and all these things were being talked about throughout the hill county of Judea. All who heard about him took it to heart, saying, “What then will this child become?” For indeed, the Lord’s hand was with him.
The people were expecting this child to be a replica of Zechariah. They apparently thought he would want a long awaited son to carry on his name, but Zechariah had been instructed to name the child John. If God granted them such a tremendous blessing, surely they could give him the name God wanted him to have. He was, in fact, God’s child merely lent to them for care until he was grown.
I find it interesting how the people of the town tried to name the miracle baby. They didn’t even listen to his mother when she told them what she wanted to name him. Typically in that culture, the father named the children. I assume they thought that since Zechariah could not speak, they would have the chance to name him over the mother. Elizabeth and Zechariah were in agreement. His name would be John – an old Hebrew name meaning “Jehovah favored.”
When Zechariah followed God’s instructions on naming the son, he was able to speak. Now that the child was born, God opened Zechariah’s mouth so he could praise Him. God did not want to hear anything negative from Zechariah; He wanted only to hear words of praise for the miracle He was performing. Praise was the only appropriate response to God’s work at that time, and it is our only appropriate response today. When God’s glory shows up in our life, we need only to praise Him and not question or doubt Him!
Everyone in the hill country of Judea heard about Zechariah’s miracle baby and how he was able to speak when they named him. This was obviously a special child, and everyone would watch to see what he would become. God’s purpose would unfold before their very eyes, and John would have their full attention when he spoke. John was not only a gift to Zechariah and Elizabeth but to everyone who would hear him.
John was a gift to us, as well. He proclaimed one simple message: Repent and be baptized, for the Son of Man is near. John’s warning still rings true, and we should follow his instructions. John left more than just a legacy. He delivered a mighty truth straight from the heart of the Father. Jehovah favored a son, anointed him to speak, and his words are still the message God has for this world. John pointed people to Christ, and we should do the same.
Have a blessed day!