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Taking God at His Word

1 Kings 17:24

Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know you are a man of God and the LORD’s word in your mouth is truth.”

The woman speaking here was the widow at Zarephath who fed Elijah during the drought and great famine in Israel brought as God’s judgment during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel. This widow was about to bake her last bit of flour, eat the bread, and she and her son would die of starvation afterwards because there was no more provision for them. Elijah brought God’s word to her to give him something to eat, and her provision would not go dry during the drought. She obeyed, and God provided for her and her son during the drought.

Sometime after that, her son became ill and died. She panicked and asked Elijah if he had come to remind her of her guilt and bring God’s judgment upon her. Elijah took her son to his room, laid across him, and cried out to God to restore him to life. God raised the boy from the dead and returned him to his mother. When Elijah presented the son to his mother, she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Elijah was a man of God who spoke the truth. She had learned to follow the voice of God.

Zarephath is located in Phoenecia, about seven miles south of Sidon, which was the heart and stronghold of Baal worship. This widow was not an Israelite. In the heart of Baal country, she learned to recognize the voice of God and follow Him. While God’s people – Israel – suffered famine through the drought, God provided for this widow because she dared to take Him at His word.

When God’s people reject Him, He will look for someone to take Him at His word and bless! We should take this to heart and realize that just because our country has turned from God, God is still seeking those who will turn their hearts toward Him and simply take Him at His word. If we will believe Him and follow His word, He will provide for us and bless us during times of famine. Do we dare believe God enough to just take Him at His word?

The widow at Zarephath saw God’s faithfulness to her and knew Elijah spoke the truth. We have God’s written word. If we will simply study it, believe it, and do what it says, we will see God work on our behalf, too. God looks for someone He can use and bless, just as He used this widow to care for Elijah. His blessing was more than just a one- time event. His blessing resided in her household because of Elijah. Today, our blessing resides with us in the Holy Spirit, who dwells in those who follow Christ.

Dare to take God at His word. He will be faithful to you. As a widow, He makes sure your needs are met, and He will use you to confound those who have more. Be a blessing, and watch God bless you. His word is as true today as it was then, and you can have the same assurance.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.