Good Friday
Luke 23:44-46
It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three, because the sun’s light failed. The curtain of the sanctuary was split down the middle. And Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into Your hands I entrust My spirit.” Saying this, He breathed His last.
On that day, as Jesus took the full brunt of wrath for our sins upon the cross, darkness seemed to prevail. What was good, right, just, and pure had just been falsely accused and punished, and it appeared evil had won. During this moment of darkness, however, something unthinkable happened in the temple as the curtain separating the holy place from the most holies split in two. In the very place where the blood was sprinkled on the altar for the sins of the people, the veil was torn, signifying the sacrifice was complete and final. No other sacrifice would ever need to be made. How ironic that the curtain should split while Jesus made His last statement from the cross. No man could have staged such a thing. This was truly an act of a divine God.
As Jesus breathed His last, He knew His spirit would move right into the hands of His loving Father. He would no longer have to suffer because His mission as the Lamb of God was finished. How wonderful to know as Christians that when our mission here on earth is finished, our spirit will move into the hands of the loving Father, where we will suffer no more.
Jesus’s sacrifice is complete. One day we will breathe our last, as well. If we have believed in Him as our Savior and surrendered to Him as Lord, we can rest assured that our spirit will move into the hands of the Father, but Jesus did not die for everyone. He died for those who would believe and follow Him. Unless we believe and receive Him as Lord, we are left guilty and must pay eternally for our sins. Jesus has already paid the price for our sins, and it is the only payment God will accept. Receive His gift of grace this Good Friday, and know that your sins are covered by His blood. Thank Him for the price He paid for you, and praise Him for the spotless Lamb of God He is for you and for me. Only He is worthy of all thanks, all praise, all honor, and all glory because of what Good Friday did for us.
Have a blessed day!