Our Steps
Proverbs 16:9
A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD determines his steps.
Have you ever set a goal for yourself but didn’t quite know how to reach it? Our heart tells us what we want, but God decides how we will get there. We rarely are able to walk a straight line to it; He usually has detours planned along the way, where we lose more of ourselves and find more of Him.
I love The Message Bible’s interpretation of this verse:
We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it.
Even if we do reach what we want in life, we must remember that God enabled us to reach that goal. He gave us the grace and ability to do what our heart wanted to do.
We are responsible for pursuing what God has placed in our hearts, but we often cannot control our steps. God may send us the long way to reach them, or He may give us a short path. Either way, we must trust our steps to Him. He will guide us where we need to be, when we need to be there. He may even give us some unexpected delights along the way.
Trust the desires of your heart to God today, and allow Him to direct you. Wait to hear His voice. Look for signs of His presence. He will align your heart with the direction you need to take to find more of Him and His total plan for you. How do you get where you need to be? Take one step at a time in the direction He leads, and lean into His presence with surrender. He will surprise and delight you as He opens doors and answers prayers in ways you could never have imagined!
Have a blessed day!