Intense Prayer
James 5:16b
The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful.
We tend to pray more intensely or fervently over needs that we feel personally. I can’t help but believe this is the very reason God allows us to go through certain things. When we have a particular void or need, we will spend more time in prayer and know better just what to ask than someone who doesn’t have the same need.
God cares about our needs, and when we take them to Him, we can be assured He hears the intensity of our prayers. He feels the need right along with us. We can better pray for that need because we feel it. Perhaps, this is why Jesus said it was easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. The rich often don’t feel lack or void and cannot recognize their need for Jesus. Quite often, salvation requires depletion and the need for help greater than ourselves.
What needs do you feel today? What burns upon your heart? Where do you see a great need for divine intervention but feel helpless to do anything about it? God is calling you to pray. Take these things to Him and pray with intensity. Our righteousness is found in Christ, and we can know that God hears us when we pray intensely over the things that burn in our hearts. The intense – fervent – prayers of a righteous man or woman are very powerful before the throne of God. We serve a Mighty God who can do all things, and nothing is impossible for Him. Take the longings of your soul to Him, and watch Him do mighty things for you.
Have a blessed day!