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My Springs are in You

Psalm 87:7

Singers and dancers alike will say, “All my springs are in you.”

Singers and dancers come together in an act of praise and worship in this Psalm that celebrates the rebuilding of Zion – the city of God. Springs are a sign of flowing water or a fountain that refreshes. In this act of worship, they acknowledge that all refreshing or renewing of life is found in God.

After going through difficult times or from enduring a hard, cold, winter, we need times of refreshing and renewal to give us strength and encouragement for what lies ahead. Victory may be just around the corner, and we need something to revive us to keep going. These springs of refreshing are found in God, who can surprise us at any moment with an act of grace or favor that changes everything and gives us hope to continue our journey. In His very presence, we find assurance that we belong to Him, and He will not fail us.

Sadly, many look for springs in the wrong places. After watching awards ceremonies such as the Emmys or the Oscars, one might think springs are found in achievement. Many great performances and works of art are never recognized, however. Only a select few get to choose what is really great in their own eyes at these awards ceremonies. While achievement may give you a temporary boost, it cannot ultimately satisfy the deep longing inside because you will surely thirst to achieve once again. Only the springs of living water that Jesus promised the woman at the well will satisfy that thirst. His salvation is a source that can continually refresh, and all of our springs are found in Him.

If you are in need of refreshing today, remember that all of your springs are found in Christ. Turn to Him for strength, comfort, hope, encouragement, or whatever you need to continue. God is a builder of cities and a builder of people. He is building something in you. Trust His workmanship, and refresh yourself in His word.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.