Faith in the Details
Luke 1:14-15
There will be joy and delight for you, and many will rejoice at his birth. For he will be great in the sight of the Lord and will never drink wine or beer. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb.
God gave Zechariah more details than He gave Manoah when He proclaimed Samson’s birth. Manoah’s wife must carry out the Nazarite vow, and their son would deliver Israel from the Philistines was the only information they received. They knew nothing about the boy’s character or what his arrival would mean for them. Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a son that would bring joy and delight, and everyone would rejoice at his birth. From the time he arrived, he would bring blessing. Their son must also follow a part of the Nazarite vow by not drinking wine or beer. God would fill this baby with the Holy Spirit in the womb, so He would be born with God’s presence living in him. Manoah sought more details but was given none. God even gave the original announcement to his wife. God, however, spoke directly to Zechariah and gave him much more detail from the beginning.
Only God knows how much information we need in order to believe. Perhaps, our circumstances determine the amount of information He gives us at times. By and large, however, the degree of our faith determines God’s communication to us. He desires to increase our faith, and if we can handle more information, He gives it to us. Manoah seemed to want to know the details before he would believe. Had he known the details, he may have even tried to advise God on just how to equip the boy. God decided to grow his faith by remaining silent. Zechariah seemed to know God could do something great because he prayed for a son. The information he received caused him to question whether or not the message was trustworthy. God chose to keep Zechariah silent to increase his faith.
God’s purpose may also determine the amount of information He gives us up front. If we knew all the details, would we still follow His commands? Would we try to assist or advise Him in His plan? Would knowing more details give further direction? He knows just what to tell us in order for us to believe Him and move according to His plan. Whenever He gives us a promise, we must exercise our faith to receive it. Unasnwered questions present opportunities for our faith to grow.
What is God requiring of your faith today? Has He told you to do something? Don’t wait for Him to tell you more before you act upon what He has already revealed. As you put one foot forward and begin to step into His promise, He will reveal more as you need it. Has God given you a promise? Believe Him for it. Act where He has instructed you, and believe while you wait. God is building your faith muscles, but you must be willing to exercise in order to see results. You will rejoice at what He is birthing in you, and you have His Holy Spirit living in you. Follow His voice, and silence the voice that causes you to doubt and waver. Greater is He that is in you, and greater the joy when you follow where He leads.
Have a blessed day!