One Day in His Courts
Psalm 84:10
Better a day in Your courts than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather be at the door of the house of my God than to live in the tents of the wicked.
One day of peace is better than a thousand lived in fear, doubt, depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. In fact, the plague of sin can lead to suicide or self-destruction because we were not created to live with the symptoms of an evil life. The wages of sin are death. While sin may have its attraction at first, the long term effects and consequences can be life shattering.
As Christians, we must remember that we have no righteousness of our own. We stand in a right relationship to God through the righteousness of Christ. When we accept and admit our shortcomings and failures as sin and confess them to God in repentance, He graciously forgives us and grants us peace. Because Christ died for us, we can truly live for Him. Better is one day of knowing that peace than a thousand frolicking in sin!
While we do reap what we sow, we can stop sowing bad seeds and begin to sow good seeds by turning completely to Christ. If you have planted some bad seed in the ground, just turn it over to God and begin to sow good seed. He can take even the bad and use it for our good if we will simply trust the work of Christ on the cross for our lives. To do such a thing is to walk in grace. Spending one day with Him in peace is better than spending a thousand worrying about it. Quality truly is better than quantity when it comes to walking out this Christian life.
Have a blessed day!