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Psalm 68:5

A father of the fatherless and a champion (defender) of widows is God in His holy dwelling.

There are just certain battles we cannot wage alone. If you are raising children as a widow, you can be an exemplary mother to your child, but you cannot be a father. In reality, you will fail somewhere as a mother and have to rely upon the Father that you cannot see or hear physically but trust is present in the midst of your situation because His word says so.

As a widow, you will be attacked by an enemy you cannot see, and you will need a mighty defender who can see to slay your giant. Your enemy will operate through flesh and blood, but be assured that he is not flesh and blood himself. Your war is spiritual, and you need a champion to fight your cause.

Out of God’s holiness, He is the Father we need for our children. He is also Father to us! We are part of His household – His holy dwelling. He will stand guard over us as His own. He is our Champion – our Defender! When the enemy attacks, He is there to conquer and overcome. Our counter measure should be to call upon His name and submit the matter to Him. He has promised us that we are more than conquerors in Christ, and we can stand upon that promise. By faith we can claim the victory and operate from it, trusting that God is in control and intervening on our behalf.

Satan wages war against us through identity. As Christians, we sometimes forget who we are. Simply stated, we are His. We belong to God and are heirs with Christ Jesus. He is our Father and our Defender. He will not allow hell to take us or destroy us. Knowing this, we should be able to live our lives in the comfort of knowing we are loved, blessed, and highly favored. We don’t have to earn any of those things because we are His. We have a Father who is watching over us and a Defender – a Champion – that fights for us. We can rest securely and walk in peace because of it.

Have a blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.