Committed to God’s Grace
Acts 20:32
And now I commit you to God and to the message of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all who are sanctified.
We struggle to build ourselves up just to fall under the pressure of our own misguided expectations. We may catch a glimpse of something God wants to do in our lives and immediately set out to accomplish it, only to find ourselves lacking in some area and unable to attain the vision we so desperately desire. Sooner or later we come to learn that only the grace of God can build us up and grant us the inheritance we’ve viewed from afar. The vision He gives us is what He is doing in us and not what we must do to please Him. His grace covers us, sustains us, and carries us to or destination.
While Luke is the author of Acts, Paul is speaking here. Notice the first few words of the verse carefully. Paul committed these faithful followers he had birthed in Christ to God. He handed them over to God’s care and to the grace of God for their well-being. There is no struggle, attack, hardship, or goal that the grace of God cannot help you overcome. When you feel you’ve blown it all and have disqualified yourself from every blessing or promotion, the grace of God is able to build you up and give you the very inheritance you desire. Accusers may surround you, but God’s grace insulates you from disaster.
If you are troubled over a wayward loved one, commit him/her to God and the message of His grace. If you have fallen and fear you are disqualified in any way, commit yourself to God’s grace. He decides where the pieces fall and how they will be put back together. His vision awaits, but you will have to trust Him to take you there.
Have a blessed day!