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Showers of Blessing

Ezekiel 34:26

I will make them and the area around My hill a blessing; I will send down showers in their season – showers of blessing.

God is not stingy in blessing His children! He blesses us to make us a blessing. Showers of blessing in this verse refer to productivity and prosperity. God wants us to be productive and prosperous. In fact, 3 John 1:2 states, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy so we will doubt the love the Father has for us. Out of His great love for us, however, God brings us into places where He can bless us and make us productive for Him.

The key to receiving God’s blessing is to first become a blessing to others. When we bless others – even our enemies – God blesses us. Instead of concentrating upon what we can get from God, we need to focus upon how we can be a blessing to someone else. As a result, we will find ourselves becoming a life-giving source that draws people to Christ. When we choose to become a blessing, God can use us to multiply His kingdom, and He anoints us to do just that. We are blessed to be a blessing.

We have rain in the forecast all day today.  I challenge you to avoid the temptation to succumb to the dreariness and feel down about the day or your life in general. When God promised us showers of blessing, that meant that rain must fall in order for us to receive all He has for us to become productive for His kingdom. Count your blessings, and thank Him where He has already done a work in your life. Give from the resources you have, and watch God do a mighty work in you, through you, and for you. Jesus is a stream of living water, and you are in Him. Tap into that stream and give life to someone today. You stand only to be blessed in return.

Have a truly blessed day!

PHOEBE Connections, Inc. is a 501(c)3 dedicated to enhancing the lives of widows by building relationships and helping them find new identity in Jesus Christ through serving others. We promote an atmosphere of fellowship, where the widow can connect with other widows to develop friendships and supportive relationships.