Good News of Great Joy
Luke 2:10-12
But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David. This will be the sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a feeding trough.”
The angel had news of great joy for everyone, but the shepherds heard it first! They even received direction of where to find the baby and a description so they would recognize Him. Would they be faithful to search for Him? Would they spread the news?
Jesus certainly came for all people in the world, but not everyone finds Him. Those of us who have been given the privilege of clear direction and understanding need to lead others to Him. While we may never encounter a personal visit from an angel in this lifetime, we can certainly experience the presence of Jesus and spread the news of His coming.
Who in your life needs to know about the miracle of Christ? Who is still working in the dark and needing hope? The angel intended for the shepherds to spread the news, and God intends for His children to do the same. Don’t be afraid to share the good news of great joy that Christ has come into the world. While some may not believe you, others are desperately looking for a glimmer of hope. Jesus is more than just a glimmer. He is our blessed hope and our sure salvation!
Have a blessed day!