Luke 1:35
The angel replied to her: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.”
Mary didn’t understand how she could conceive a son if she was a virgin, so she asked the most logical question a young girl could ask who had just been told she was highly favored by God. This would be the work of the Holy Spirit in her. When God calls us to do great things, He does not expect us to accomplish them in our own strength or even by normal and ordinary means. He simply waits for us to completely submit to Him, and the Holy Spirit takes over.
When the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we are anointed to walk in our calling. His power works through us, and nothing is impossible with God, according to verse 37 of this same chapter. If God calls us to do it and we completely submit to Him, He can accomplish great and wonderful things we never imagined by His power. We simply have to be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to overshadow us, which means He becomes greater and we become smaller.
To be overshadowed by the power of the Most High, we must put aside our own desires, plans, and dreams for the future. He must be bigger in our lives than what we want. When He overshadows everything else, anything is possible.
This Christmas, make Christ bigger in your life. Determine to make Him the utmost important thing to you, and watch to see what impossible things begin to happen for you. Our answers are always found by making Him great and ourselves small. Let the power of the Most High overshadow what you do, and God’s glory will be revealed in you.
Have a blessed day!