In His Presence
Psalm 16:11
You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy; in Your right hand are eternal treasures.
David found the most perfect place in the world – the presence of God. Nothing else compares to being in His presence and experiencing the fullness of all He is and all He has for us. Here we find abundant joy and treasures that are truly lasting, as well as a peace that keeps us through the storms of life.
Peter referred to David’s words here in his sermon at Pentecost. The secret to David’s hope and promise from God was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and Peter had the opportunity to reveal it to those gathered together in Jerusalem for Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ. Peter had found the same abundant joy that David had experienced, and he knew the rest of us could experience it, too.
I certainly hope you have found this place of abundant joy in Christ Jesus. Today might be a good day to re-visit that place and let the love of God surround you. I’ve prayed we will feel God’s presence all day today and that those around us can sense it, too. If you’ve never experienced this joy, you can have it today by surrendering your life to Christ. He will reveal the paths of life to you one day at a time, and His eternal treasures can be yours, including the gift of eternal life.
Have a blessed day!