By God’s Spirit
Zechariah 4:6-7
So he (Angel of the LORD) answered me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: “Not by strength or by might, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of Hosts. “What are you, great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain. And he will bring out the capstone accompanied by shouts of Grace, grace to it!”
Have you ever felt confused by what you believed God had told you to do and what you saw before you? Have you ever thought your mission seemed impossible? Have you ever had so many obstacles to face that success just seemed too far away? If so, this message is for you.
Zerubbabel was governor of Judea when God began to restore her after Babylonian captivity. This passage is a clear word through Zechariah the prophet to Zerubbabel that strength and might would not rebuild the temple, but God’s Spirit would oversee the work. Zerubbabel would finish the work God started in him by the grace of God.
Zerubbabel means “descendant of Babylon or born in Babylon.” Babylon means “confusion.” Therefore, Zerubbabel literally means “descendant of confusion.” I, for one, certainly resemble that! What is in my heart and the things God has shown me don’t always look like what is in front of me, and I feel very confused. I’m often asking myself, “Did I really hear from you? Was that really you, or did I just assume something?” We must remember that God does the work through the power of His Holy Spirit. His grace enables us to overcome obstacles and complete the assignment He has given us. If He has truly called us, we can rely upon His Spirit and grace to see us through to the end.
If things look confusing to you today, begin to shout, “Grace!” to it. You will never be strong enough, smart enough, or clever enough to overcome the enemy’s attack and the obstacles he throws your way. God’s grace is sufficient in your weakness, and He is strong where you are weak. Lean upon His Holy Spirit, and trust Him with the end result.
Verse 10 of that same chapter gives us another word of wisdom to grasp. “For who scorns the day of small things?” God is at work in the small things to turn them into larger things. When you can successfully complete the small things, opportunities for greater things will spring from them. Work with an attitude of excellence in all you do, and doors will open for you. The Holy Spirit working in you will guide you from small things to big things through the grace of God. You may have been born in confusion, but by God’s grace, you don’t have to stay there!
Have a blessed day!