Approved by Faith
Hebrews 11:1-2
Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen. For by it (faith) our ancestors were approved.
God approves us by our faith and not our performance. This truth should excite most of us because, frankly, our performance just stinks sometimes. God’s favor and His plan for you were never based upon how well you would perform for Him. He acts according to our faith. Do we really believe what He has placed in our heart, and are we willing to act upon it? Do we really believe Jesus paid the price for our sins, or are we still trying to earn grace?
Verse 6 of that same chapter explains God’s approval a little further. “Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.” God is pleased with our faith in Him and what He can do through us. He rewards those who seek Him and not applause from their own performance.
Your faith, however, will most certainly affect your performance. If you truly believe God’s promise, you will move from a standpoint of confidence and not arrogance. You have nothing to prove to anyone else because God will act on your behalf. He will open doors that no man can shut. Doubt will cause you to shrink back in fear, question your calling, and look for man’s approval to go further.
God does not expect perfection. Hallelujah! He knows us better than that, and He has called us anyway. He expects us to believe His promises and act upon them. What has He promised you? Faith will take you from the unseen belief to manifested reality. Faith is the pathway between God-given desire and destiny, and walking that path is what pleases God. Don’t wait for God’s approval to set out on your journey. He has already approved you to walk that path. Step out in faith today and watch to see what door He opens next.
Have a blessed day!