Psalm 68:35
God, You are awe-inspiring in Your sanctuaries. The God of Israel gives power and strength to His people. May God be praised.
There are times in life when God will just reach down and perform a work so awe-inspiring and unexpected you can’t help but know He is with you. At these times, your prayer life becomes invigorated because you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God hears you and cares about you. He cares about every little detail of your life, and He will do things so absolutely amazing that you can’t explain it aside from Him. Such moments deepen your relationship with Him, and you gain power and strength from His presence. The only thing you can do is praise God because He is the only explanation for what just happened.
For this very reason, we should learn the art of prayer. While prayer is not a magic potion or vain hope, it is constant communication with a God who truly cares about you and wants to be involved in everything you do. Prayer is the divine connection with God that expresses your inner most thoughts, feelings, hopes, and desires to Him and trusts Him to answer. Prayer is the development of a relationship that turns your attention away from the cares of this world and toward a holy and righteous God who longs to have fellowship with you.
We live in a day when we all need to see the awe-inspiring work of God. E.M. Bounds was one of Christian history’s most scholarly men on the subject of prayer. According to Bounds, God does nothing except in response to prayer. If this is true, now is the time for all of God’s people to pray – diligently and without ceasing. He may, yet, do awe-inspiring things among us that can only be explained by His hand as He gives His people power and strength to overcome the enemy. Dare to become a prayer warrior, and watch God do awe-inspiring things for you!
Have a blessed day!